Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Name That Bush Scandal Contest And Win Something!!!

To play “Name That Scandal”, simply send Perrspectives your unique, catchy and original name(s) for any or all of the Bush administration scandals below.

1. Iraq WMD (or lack thereof)
2. Armstrong Williams (the Bush administration’s pay-for-play pundit)
3. Abu Ghraib torture scandal
4. Medicare reform fraud (including budget lies, tax-payer funded fake new stories)
5. Enron (including stock disaster, California energy fraud and Bush denial of Ken Lay friendship)
6. Secret Cheney energy plan
7. "Mission Accomplished" speech on USS Abraham Lincoln
8. Valerie Plame CIA agent outing
9. Bogus Iraq/Niger yellow cake uranium claims
10. Bush National Guard non-service

You can send your entry either by using the convenient Feedback Form, or by emailing .

Perrspectives: Name That Bush Scandal Contest


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