Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Dangers of Abstract Nationalism

The Dangers of Abstract Nationalism - by William S. Lind: "In Europe, the state as an ideal died in World War I, in the mud at places like the Somme and Verdun. I suspect that the same thing is going to happen here after the American people have to confront the reality of America's defeat in Iraq. Bush's wild Wilsonianism is out of time; it is a ghost from an era long past, an illusion that is now sustained only by the public's trust that somehow our troops unquestionable valor in Iraq will bring victory. When it becomes clear to that public that valor alone is not enough, that a failed strategy brings defeat no matter how courageously soldiers and Marines may fight, the grand illusion will be followed by a profound bitterness and a turning inward. That turning inward could be a good thing for conservatives, if we can lead it toward a restoration of the American Republic as a curative for the follies of empire."


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