Wednesday, March 30, 2005

A Week of Kindness? My ass...

And here is this stupid fucking idiot (SFI) who for a laugh has played around with someone's academic career. The long and the short of the story is that he gets an IM from a kid looking for someone to write a paper for her. She indicates that she is willing to pay for the service. The SFI tells himself that he could use this for laugh. He then arranges to write a shitty paper for the kid--one that would surely make the professor wonder--and then plans to notify the Dean after the kid has turned the paper in for her grade. The little SFI then proceeds to posting all this on his blog available via the Internet for all to see.

He then sends the shitty paper to the kid, get her money (and her real name). The SFI also omits to mention that he had not notified the Dean when he told everyone that he had.

What happens next is that the story gets circulated around the Internet. Hundreds of people become aware of the first and last name of the kid along with the name of her college. Needless to say that evidently many calls begin to land at the Dean's Office regarding this event--the Dean then calls the kid asking for explanation. Further, people begin calling the kid's home.

Public embarrassment ensues.

And all this... for a laugh. So the SFI can feel good about himself thinking he has had the opportunity to teach the kid a lesson. So the SFI thought.

Here is the SFI now:
"God, I honestly had no idea this would become an Internet-wide thing. My imagination had told me that this could be a funny story kept between me, her school, and a couple dozen friends of mine who visit this site. Maybe we’d get a couple extra people out to our sketch shows. But it’s done, we’re here, and you can’t go home again. Time to share the new developments, and some old ones I may have neglected to tell you."

You SFI! You had no idea that the Internet was the Internet? You SFI! Oh, how much I loath self righteous mother fuckers who permit themselves to play the role of some sort of a Messiah and cloak their cruelty in self righteous wiles reaching at the bottom of the pit o’shit eating and reveling in it.

So what did the kid learn?
1- That next time make sure she takes more precautions should she find the need to plagiarize and ask for help over the Internet;
2- That committing fraud, and lying and conniving to get someone you only suspect of dishonesty into trouble is OK;
3- That people laugh and applaud the one who lies, commits fraud and knowingly and deliberately misleads a kid into a trap.

You SFI.

You wanted to teach her a lesson? You could have directed her to places where she would be able to find her way to a 5-page paper.

You wanted to teach her a lesson? You could have advise her that plagiarism is not ethical.

You wanted to teach her a lesson? You could have refused to participate in her scheme instead of becoming a willing participant and perpetrate a fraud upon her and invade her privacy such as you did.

You SFI.

No, You did not want to teach her a lesson. You wanted to hurt her. You wanted to humiliate her. You wanted to burn her. You are no teacher. You are a fraud.

Bravo! You SFI... Bravo!

A Week of Kindness Blog

You need to remove "%5bremove%20this%5d" inside the URL--I did not want to give unnecessary additional links to this SFI's blog- at least so far as Google is concerned.


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