Saturday, March 26, 2005

Wrong Premise

If you assume that the Democratic Party is in fact the party of opposition and the party to stand up for the working class, then you may indeed find that the Democrats have been MIA. However, the premise is wrong. The democrats are no longer what they have portrayed themselves to be. Viewed under this new light, they are not MIA--in fact very much to the contrary they have been willing participants in the masquerade we call Congress.

"After giving George W. Bush far too easy a ride in his first term, the Democratic leadership in Congress promised that the second term was going to be different. 'This is not a dictatorship,' announced Senate minority leader Harry Reid. The new head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Illinois Representative Rahm Emanuel, declared, 'The President neither has the mandate he thinks he has nor a majority to make policy.' But three months of watching the Democrats' stumbling, often incoherent responses to Administration appointments and initiatives shows clearly that the party is making the same mistakes that cost it so dearly in the 2002 and 2004 elections."



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