Thursday, June 16, 2005

***Must See TV***

Just a Bump in the Beltway: "The Conyers' hearing will be re-broadcast tomorrow night on C-Span 2 at 8 PM EDT. Make whatever arrangements you need to make in order to see this, it is an extraordinarily powerful event. Throw together a house-party and invite your friends and relations. The remarks (not 'testimony,' this wasn't a legal hearing and no one was sworn in) by attorney John Bonifaz of on the constitutional issues were particularly convincing.

Those who are unfamiliar with the Constitution are probably not aware that we are in a constitutional crisis on at least three levels in this country. The Constitution requires congressional oversight of the executive. This Congress fails to do so. The Constitution requires a commission of iinquiry when faced with compelling evidence that the executive branch committed a possible felony in providing Congress with information which is untrue or incomplete. In order for the balance of powers to function, the federal judiciary needs to be free of political partisans who make partisan rulings from the bench.

These great dangers are off the radar screens of all but constitutional scholars in this country because they can't be explained in the 10 second sound bites that pass for news in the US.

Watch the Conyers hearing tomorrow night or online in the C-span archive. This was a great moment for democracy."


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