Monday, July 11, 2005

The Mother Fucker's Forked Tongue

"When CNN asked him about the Plame case last summer, Rove said: "I didn't know her name. I didn't leak her name."

Maybe that was technically correct, but it's now clear that it was something less than the whole truth. As Newsweek is reporting, Karl Rove may not have referred to Plame by name when he spoke with Time's Matthew Cooper on July 11, 2003. But the email messages Time has turned over to special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald show that, in a phone call with Cooper that day, Rove tried to discredit Joseph Wilson's conclusion that Iraq hadn't tried to buy uranium from Niger by claiming that Wilson had been assigned to look into the Iraq-Niger connection not by the vice president or by the director of the CIA but by Wilson's wife. And Wilson's wife, Rove told Cooper, was a CIA analyst working on WMD issues."



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