Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Is This a Surprise?


Picked up this interesting piece--worth the time to read it:

"Well, the latest spin the GOP Senators are giving for voting against the Hurricane Katrina independent commission is that - get this - there were 'procedural problems' with the amendment they were voting on. I know this because this is what they've told a number of you calling them, and you've reported it back to me - this is coming from several offices, so it's clearly a coordinated response to the calls they're getting (and a sign that they'r worried).

What this spin really means is that they opposed the amendment because it had a technical problem, but not because they actually had a problem with the substance of the amendment itself, setting up the independent commission - they're only problem is that the amendment setting up the commission was put on a bill in a wrong way."

AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth


Who wants to really know what went wrong and learn from it? Why would we? The Idiot in Chief has accepted responsibility, what else is there to investigate? It's over... Nothing to see... Move on.

"The Senate voted along party lines yesterday to reject creation of an independent panel to investigate the government's fumbling response to Hurricane Katrina.

The proposal, from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), would have established a panel similar to the one that examined the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The partisan wrangling came amid rising calls from members of both parties to change how the nation manages major disasters."

Separate Inquiry Fails to Gain Support


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