Sunday, October 16, 2005

Concealing Criminal Activity

"There's also the overlooked matter that their so-called confidential sources insisted on anonymity because they were concealing a criminal act. There's a big difference there and the New York Times knows it. Arthur Sulzberger Jr., The Times' publisher wrote in an editorial:

'If Ms. Miller testifies, it may be immeasurably harder in the future to persuade a frightened government employee to talk about malfeasance in high places.'

... what he really meant to say was:

'If Ms. Miller testifies, it may be immeasurably harder in the future to help criminals conceal their identity and the crimes they may have committed.'

Yes I know nobody has been indicted yet, but you have to admit, Lewis Libby and Karl Rove had little to do with 'frightened government employees talking about malfeasance in high places' and everything to do with illegally leaking an undercover agent's name and attempts to cover up the act. Let's remember that every time the New York Times and Judith Miller claim to be standing on 'higher principles.'"

We Needle. You Decide.


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