Thursday, October 06, 2005

When All Else Fails

Terror and the terrorists are the best thing that can happen for the Bushies and their poll numbers. Funny how each time their poll numbers are low we have some sort of Homeland Security warning... albeit non-credible one!!! Reminds me of the time before the elections when the Homeland Security was giving out warnings based on nothing more than just warnings for the sake of warnings... Anyone who still buys this crap probably deserves this Administration.

"Some officials in Washington, in interviews last night, played down the nature of the threat. While not entirely dismissing it, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security described it as 'specific yet noncredible,' adding that the intelligence community had concluded that the information was of 'doubtful credibility.'"

New York Named in Terror Threat Against Subways

...And funny how the "Liberal Media" carries this crap on front pages...


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