Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Liberal Media? My Ass...

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Carpetbagger Report: If a Report Falls in a Forest… (8/7/06) by Steve Benen

Last Friday the head of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. John Conyers, released a report finding the U.S. Constitution in Crisis due to the Bush government committing fraud, "making false statements to Congress," misusing government funds, enabling torture and "leaking and...misus[ing] intelligence." Yet days later, Benen's Lexis-Nexis and Google News search of mainstream media turns up exactly one 200-word brief on CNN and:

"nothing in the AP; nothing in any of the major dailies; nothing on ABC, CBS, or NBC. Not one word.... Over the weekend, the AP ran a 1,000-word puff piece on how the GOP base considers Dick Cheney "a rock star," but the AP managed to blow off the Conyers document entirely. It's an extra challenge for the party when Democrats are aggressive but the public never hears about it."


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