Sunday, September 17, 2006

A Different Perspective

This leaves me perplexed. Could this be the only answer? If so, boy, everyone has been barking up wrong tree...

Let's be Realists, Let's Demand the Impossible!
This is why the Middle East crisis is such a sensitive point for the pragmatic politics that aims to gradually resolve problems in a realistic mode. In this case, the true utopia is precisely that such a “realistic” approach will never work: The only “realistic” solution is the “big” one, to solve the problem at its roots. Here, then, the old motto from 1968 applies: Soyons réalistes, demandons l’impossible! Only a radical gesture that has to appear “impossible” within the existing coordinates will realistically do the job. So, perhaps, the solution “everybody knows” as the only viable one—the withdrawal of the Israelis, the establishment of a Palestinian state, etc.—nonetheless will not do, and one has to change the entire frame and propose a one-state-solution where everyone has equal rights.


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