Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ah.... Good Music Days!!

I am proud to say that I am completely done with commercial radio. Nowhere in my life, can I be exposed to it. You ask how?

Well, I have XM Radio in my car. I have iTunes radio and AOL Radio at home. I have placed Airport Express in the workroom, the kitchen, the bedroom and the living room. With the use of this little gem called Airfoil, I can send AOL Radio through iTunes and so through Airport Express so I can hear it all over the house.

Actually, I have to praise Airfoil (available also for the Winblows crowd). This is one of the few sharewares that I have actually paid for and found that it was good enough of an idea that I would not hack the serial number.

I love it.

No more obnoxious DJs. No more obnoxious commercials. No more obnoxious comments. I am immune to idiocy on the airways! Now If I could do the same in my day to day interaction with the public...

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