Sunday, February 11, 2007

Wrong on So Many Levels

I read this once and questions pop into my head:

1. Are those the same anonymous officials who told us about Iraq's WMDs?
2. Iran is the only country that produces these sort of explosives?
a. How come we didn't hear from these for the past 3 years?
b. And how is it exactly that only Iran is producing these weapons... This doesn't even make sense. The IEDs in Iraq can be produced and the ingredients can be found in pretty much any hardware store. So what is so unique about these things?
c. Do you really think that the Iranians would give to Iraqis such a unique material that anyone and their aunts could trace it back to Iran so easily?

This is simply nonsense. You can see how propaganda works. The medial is imply reporting without more anything the Administration is leaking out. Pretty soon you will have no choice but to believe the lies.

Iran Sending Explosives to Extremist Groups in Iraq
"Iran is a significant contributor to attacks on coalition forces," said a senior defense official in Baghdad, who like the two other officials spoke on condition of anonymity. He added: "Iran is the only country in the region that produces these weapons."


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