Thursday, March 29, 2007


1995 GOP Memo!

A bit of fortuitous surfing just led me to this September 28, 1995 U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee memo [PDF]. The memo pertains to the Clinton Administration plan to deploy troops to Bosnia.

It states that:

Regarding Bosnia, during consideration of that same bill, the Senate passed a sense of Congress amendment that no funds should be made available to deploy U.S. armed forces to participate in the implementation of a peace settlement in Bosnia unless previously authorized by Congress.

Another provision on the same bill opposed U.S. participation in any peacekeeping or peace-enforcing operations unless "the President initiates consultations with the bipartisan leadership of Congress" [Senator Robert Dole, Congressional Record, 9/26/95, p. S14271].


The decision to send U.S. troops to any region warrants Congressional scrutiny.

The GOP demands hearings on the matter - "EXTENSIVE" hearings.


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