Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Why... It's Deja Vu All Over Again!

Is the US Already at War With Iran? by Charles Davis

So why has the media afforded such extensive coverage to "Imus-gate," yet found no time to cover allegations of American-sponsored terrorism? Outside of ABC News, it’s a struggle to find any discussion of U.S. support for anti-Iranian extremist groups in the major media outlets. While the New York Times was quick to speak about the Imus affair in an April 11th editorial, there has been not so much as a mention of the Jundullah story in their paper, much less a critical look at how the story undermines the White House’s moral authority to criticize Iran for its supposed "meddling" in Iraq. The same goes for the Washington Post, where a search for "Jundullah" reveals only two wire articles on the subject. One finds no editorials questioning the policy, no reaction from lawmakers, no introspective takes on the morality of such a policy – one finds next to nothing. In contrast, the paper has run over 200 articles on the Don Imus story, examining it from every possible angle until the point where the mere mention of the name "Don Imus" is enough to cause one’s mental faculties to shut down in protest.


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