Tuesday, August 28, 2007

And He is Such a Pious Man too...

Senator admits toilet 'lewd conduct' arrest

"A REPUBLICAN senator has admitted pleading guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct in a men's toilet at a Minnesota airport. Larry Craig, of Idaho, was arrested by a plain-clothes officer investigating complaints of lewd conduct in the men's room at the Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport, according to a police report cited by the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call. 
Craig gave no details of the incident that prompted his arrest on June 11 but confirmed that he had pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct. Craig, married, a father of three, paid more than $US500 ($A605) in fines and fees related to the misdemeanour charge, and was given one year's probation. 
According to the police report, Craig entered a cubicle next to the police investigator, placed his bag against the door and tapped his foot, a gesture commonly used to try to pick up men in public toilets. 
Craig played an active role in the 1998 impeachment of former President Bill Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. In 2006 he voted for an amendment to the Constitution to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman."


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