Looks Like Obama Will be the Next President.
... That is if the Democrats have the wits and the guts to withstand the major and various swiftboating that will take place once the race is "on" and the people can overcome the major and consistent effort to prevent the minorities and other non-white, non-affluent citizens to cast a vote.
We'll hear about Rev. White at nauseum and the "liberal" media will gladly oblige the GOP by keeping anything the Rev will do in the headlines.
We'll hear about how Obama is a Muslim...
We'll hear about how Obama has attended an Islamic Religious School...
We'll hear about the wearing of the flag...
We'll hear about __________. Whatever the GOP can conjure up to peddle to the public.
And again... the "liberal" media will whole heartedly embrace all these lies, half truths, misleading facts and put them up there, in major fonts, on page one in their headlines.
Yeah... if the Democrats have the wherewithal to survive what has worked so well in the past.

We'll hear about Rev. White at nauseum and the "liberal" media will gladly oblige the GOP by keeping anything the Rev will do in the headlines.
We'll hear about how Obama is a Muslim...
We'll hear about how Obama has attended an Islamic Religious School...
We'll hear about the wearing of the flag...
We'll hear about __________. Whatever the GOP can conjure up to peddle to the public.
And again... the "liberal" media will whole heartedly embrace all these lies, half truths, misleading facts and put them up there, in major fonts, on page one in their headlines.
Yeah... if the Democrats have the wherewithal to survive what has worked so well in the past.
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