Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Oh So Now It is Iran's Fault...

The Israelis blamce anyone except themselves for having conducted military operation when a cease fire was supposed to be in effect... They provoke a reaction and then blamce their response on the reaction. Very clever!

And now, the Iranians are to blame. Which is an insult to the Iranians... The homemade rockets Hamas launches into South of Israel have a hit and miss ratio of 500 to 1... Pretty dismal state of the art "know-how" if you ask me...

Quartet calls for immediate truce between Israel and Gaza
Israel's envoy to the U.S., Sallay Meridor, on Tuesday blamed Iran for the situation in Gaza.

"What you see in Gaza is made by Iran - it's funded by Iran, the terrorists are trained by Iran, it's supplied by Iran, the know-how to create short range rockets is Iranian, he said. "As an octopus, Iran has proxies in region and beyond the region, and at the same time they?re moving towards nuclear weapons."

"This is not a separate Israeli problem or a threat to Israel, this is very well-connected to the threat in Mumbai, Be'er Sheva, or God forbid, NYC, and we can defeat it only if we stand together determined not to let those terrorists to kill citizens and destroy our way of life. You must act against a terror if you want to give peace a chance," he said, adding: "We are making efforts to make sure that whatever humanitarian aid wants to get to Gaza will get into Gaza."


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