Thursday, January 20, 2005

Four more years of this shit

I was going to write something entitield "Four more years of this shit" and there it was, Dave beat me to it... so why re-invent the wheel?

dave's wibblings: Four more years of this shit: "It's all very depressing. Just when you think that the majority of Americans are normal, rational, thinking people, they go and do something moronic like vote for George W. Bush.

After all, he's only bankrupted the country, destroyed the army, and vastly increased the exposure of the USA to terrorism by invading a country which had nothing to do with September 11. He's only presided over widespread violation of the Geneva Conventions, the handing over of 380,000 tons of high explosives to God-knows-who, the trampling of the US Constitution(see Guantanamo Bay) and alienated just about every ally that America has ever had.

He claims to be a born-again Christian, but he lives in some sort of Old Testament world with smiting and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Leviticans, I believe those sorts of hypocrites are called.

I fully expect to see the USA invade Iran before next summer. I expect to see the US army resorting to a draft of some sort by next year. Civil liberties will go further down the toilet and I'm more than half expecting to see the 22nd Amendment repealed, so that Georgie can be president for life."


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