Saturday, January 29, 2005

GIs Tell Iraqis to Vote as They Raid Homes

So we urge them to get out and vote while we beat them over their head! Now that's new.

GIs Tell Iraqis to Vote as They Raid Homes

"SAMARRA, Iraq (Reuters) - A rumbling column of U.S. Bradley fighting vehicles grinds to a stop in a rebellious Iraqi neighborhood of scarred houses and mud streets.

Heavily-armed troops jump out and begin searching homes as loudspeakers blast in Arabic: 'On Sunday you should go out to vote. Vote to give freedom to Iraq. Vote to save Iraq.' A soldier hands out fliers to a group of untidy children.

In the heartland of Iraq's insurgency, American soldiers are trying to combine fighting with getting out the vote.

It's tough on both fronts."

No kidding!


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