Tuesday, February 15, 2005

They Hate Freedom!

Steve and Virginia Pearcy, a couple in Sacremento, placed a large doll of a US soldier on their house and wrote "Bush Lied, I died."

Over a quarter of World Net Daily readers believe that the couple should be arrested for treason because this "aids and abets the enemy."

While I don't know exactly how representative these WND polls are in terms of the conservative grassroots, they usually get a few thousand responses (they have to be unique, as you sign in to vote), and definitely reflect a certain constituency on the right.

Over on free republic, we get comments like,

"Gee, I hope their house doesn't burn down or have it's windows bricked or anything..."

"They need to be deported to Palestine." (Incidentally, it's OK to talk about deporting native born Antiwar Americans at FR, but not illegal aliens.)


"What is it with these idiots? They got a death wish or something?"
to which another poster with no sense of irony responded “They hate freedom. Kind of like the terrorists.”

From AntiWar


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