Sunday, February 13, 2005

Dumb Mistake Twice? Sure...

Will the Bushies make the same mistake twice? Yes.
Should we believe that the Bushies will not do something just because it is a dumb thing to do? No.

These question and answer is the result of reading this article:

"Are the Iranians pursuing a nuclear weapon? I don't know. They say they are not. But they are more or less surrounded by nuclear powers – the United States, Israel, India and Pakistan. Their reasoning for pursuing nuclear plants is feasible. They know their main export, oil, will run out one day, so by using nuclear fuel to produce internal power, they can extend the life of their most profitable export. They are certainly wise to disperse their facilities, given the fact that the Israelis bombed Iraq's only nuclear reactor in the 1980s.

But let's assume Iran does develop a nuclear weapon. I don't care. I've lived most of my life 30 minutes from total destruction by tens of thousands of the Soviet Union's nuclear warheads. The Bush administration's claim that nuclear deterrence, which worked against a superpower, will not work against a smaller and poorer country is bunk. Israel alone has enough nuclear warheads to pulverize Iran."

Could Bush Possibly Make the Same Mistake Twice? Yeah. - by Charley Reese


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