Saturday, March 05, 2005

Do As We Say... Not As We Do...

President Bush is grandiose! Spreading freedom as one spreads seeds across a fertile land , marching forward... (read this part to the tune of Victory Day in the background...

Regarding Syria's occupation of Lebanon, as reported by the Independent, he says: "'Syria, Syrian troops, Syria's intelligence services, must get out of Lebanon now,' Mr Bush said. 'The world is beginning to speak with one voice. 'We want that democracy in Lebanon to succeed, and we know it cannot succeed so long as she is occupied by a foreign power and that power is Syria.'"

Huh??? Did he really say that?

And when the Liberals say that Iraq cannot succeed so long as she is occupied by a foreign power, is then wrong?

Meanwhile, Syria has announced that they will pull out entirely from the Lebanon if the puppet Lebanese Government ask them to do so... The bushola says we will withdraw from Iraq if the puppet Iraqi Regime asks us to do so.

This is hilarious!!


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