Wednesday, March 02, 2005

A June Attack on Iran?

Gary Leupp talks about the status of the country in year four of a five year plan. According to General Wesley Clark, there has been plans to attack, conquer and permanently occupy not only Afghanistan and Iraq but other countries in the Middle East.

"Flexibility is of course built in to the Plan. One can't predict all the international factors that might affect its timing, or the specific strategy appropriate for the planned regime changes. But plainly the first priority is to manipulate public opinion to acquire support for the planned attacks. That means coordinating the dissemination of disinformation through a compliant corporate press; posting paid agents within that press, and purchasing the services of others; and favoring the most bellicose and fascistic organs with official appearances. It means maintaining the population in a state of anxiety and paranoia through color-coded terror alerts, vague but alarmist announcements of al-Qaeda actions (although there have been none in the U.S. for three and a half years), and the repeated official assertion that another 9-11 is 'inevitable.' It means inculcating the belief in the masses that the 'War on Terror' is a war on acohesive thing (like 'communism') that will, like the Cold War, continue for generations, and must be accepted fatalistically as the destiny of the USA, and subtly linking that 'war' with Christian fundamentalists' belief in an inevitable confrontation between Good and Evil leading up to the End Times. It means obtaining from a slavish, intimidated Congress carte blanche to attack and contain dissent through a regimen of regulations that vitiate the Constitution."

Gary Leupp: A June Attack on Iran?


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