Sunday, March 06, 2005


I was at the gym today and was on one of those elliptical machines going nowhere fast, and was looking at everyone else who was either on the same type of machine or on others from treadmills to climbing stairs etc...etc... It occurs to me that all that energy is going to a waste. If I was Bally's I would hook up some sort of generator to each machine and make it so everyone moving these mechanical devices would send the energy generated into batteries... which then could be used to at least power the same machines or even to light up the place or any other usage.

Today is March 6, 2005 and I came up with this idea at 12:30 p.m. Central Time.


Blogger NBT said...

The idea is to store the exess energy in batteries for days when there are not many people working out. I suppose an energy management program could work out.

7/3/05 08:33  
Blogger Keith "Nurse Keith" Carlson, RN, BSN, NC-BC said...

There's a man in my area with a company called "Just Soap". He mixes his soap entirely through the use of a retrofitted bicycle attached to the soap-making machinery. He uses no electricity or fossil fuels for the making of his soap (with the exception of the lights, of course)

7/3/05 18:18  
Blogger Keith "Nurse Keith" Carlson, RN, BSN, NC-BC said...

Oh, and here's his url...

7/3/05 18:21  
Blogger Keith "Nurse Keith" Carlson, RN, BSN, NC-BC said...

Oh, and here's his url...

7/3/05 18:23  
Blogger Keith "Nurse Keith" Carlson, RN, BSN, NC-BC said...

Oh, and here's his url...

7/3/05 18:23  
Blogger Keith "Nurse Keith" Carlson, RN, BSN, NC-BC said...

Oh, and here's his url...

7/3/05 18:24  
Blogger NBT said...

Well, that is rather smart...

7/3/05 22:15  

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