Sunday, March 06, 2005

More on Civil Liberties...

This article along with the other one I posted today by Justin Raimondo have the same premise--the danger to our civil liberties and the efforts by the Right to excuse past transgressions, using their hacks such as Malkin to advance that goal. Who are these people anyhow: Malkin, Coulter, Limbaud, O'Reilly... Geezuz. And then people talk about "liberal" media?

And one more thing: Terror is a sentiment. How do you wage war on a sentiment?

"Yet today there are renewed attacks on civil liberties in the name of the 'war on terrorism.' Legislation such as the Patriot Act and the government's willingness to arrest and charge innocent people contribute to an atmosphere that could lead to future internment camps.

Some ideologues on the right seek to rewrite history in order to justify government policy and racial profiling. One example is Michelle Malkin's 2004 book, 'In Defense of Internment: The Case for 'Racial Profiling' in World War II and the War on Terror,' which not only rehashes the untruths that Japanese Americans have heard for years but also asserts: 'The most damaging legacy of this apologia and compensation package [redress won by Japanese Americans] has been its impact on national security efforts. The ethnic grievance industry and civil liberties Chicken Littles wield the reparations law like a bludgeon over the War on Terror debate.'

There is no justification for racism or denial of civil liberties — not in 1942 and not in 2005."

Los Angeles Times: 1942-Style Bigotry Targets Muslims in the U.S. Today


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