Monday, March 14, 2005

The News According To Who?

It is simply disheartening. Fox is number 1 in ranking* and it goes without saying that the findings by the Project for Excellence in Journalism is simply scary. Putting the two and two together, we have reached the obsolescence of reality.

"In covering the Iraq war last year, 73 percent of the stories on Fox News included the opinions of the anchors and journalists reporting them, a new study says.

By contrast, 29 percent of the war reports on MSNBC and 2 percent of those on CNN included the journalists' own views.

These findings -- the figures were similar for coverage of other stories -- 'seem to challenge' Fox's slogan of 'we report, you decide,' says the Project for Excellence in Journalism."

Media Notes Extra

*Fox received a boost in rating with help from the Super Bowl... but still!


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