Friday, March 11, 2005

Flying Idiots

Can you get any more pathetic than this?

Perhaps: the fact that these idiots are protesting the totalitarian Mullahs while reminiscing about the totalitarian King whose ass was kicked some 20 years ago... The name says it all and it is curious that the New York Times decided not to translate this crucial piece of information tending to show the motive of this motley crew...

``We are not terrorists, we are messengers of peace,'' Ira said, adding that his group, which he called Anjoman-E Padeshahi Iran, wanted the overthrow of Iran's government.

Monarchists!!! Fuck 'em... once each day and twice on Sundays (just because).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck you idiot son-of-a-bitch asshole. Go read some fucking history you shithead.

18/5/05 14:30  
Blogger NBT said...

Ha ha ha!!! Looks like I got a live one there :))

18/5/05 14:39  

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