Friday, April 08, 2005

Enough To Make You Hate Religion

How much more of this religious nonsense must we take? This country is being overrun by the Christian Talibans.

"Under House Bill 1042, all hospitals in the state would have had to inform rape victims who were not yet pregnant about emergency contraception, then offer to dispense the pills or refer them to pharmacies that could dispense them. Individual health care professionals would have been allowed to refuse to provide the contraception on religious or moral grounds.

Gov. Owens, a Catholic, said he rejected the proposal because it would have forced church-based hospitals to go against their own moral values, and because it might have caused a woman to 'innocently violate her personal, moral and religious beliefs about when life begins.'

Women’s health advocacy groups said Wednesday that the governor did not have the right to impose his religious beliefs on rape survivors. The bill’s supporters, including sexual assault prevention groups, vowed to endorse similar legislation next year.


Emergency contraception does not affect a woman if she is already pregnant, but successfully prevents pregnancy up to 89 percent of the time if taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. Women's rights advocates argue that obstacles to obtaining the drug must be eliminated because the pills are most effective the sooner they are taken."

Colorado Governor Vetoes Emergency Contraception Information Bill


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