Monday, May 23, 2005

Bull Shit

"Under the terms, Democrats agreed to allow final confirmation votes for Priscilla Owen, Janice Rogers Brown and William Pryor, named to appeals court seats. There is “no commitment to vote for or against” the filibuster against two other conservatives named to appeals courts, Henry Saad and William Myers."

See here

All this so that the precious filibuster rules be preserved when it comes time for voting for the Supreme Court Judge nominees that are inevitably coming later on... What makes this stupid Democrats think that the pressure to ram through conservative judges will be any the less important when it comes time to vote for them inevitably foul Supreme Court nominees? Once again the Democrat rats are rolling over and playing dead... Fuck them.

I can only seat here and shake my head...

Update: So the Democrats agreed not to use the filibuster and agree with the Republicans and their nominations. In exchange, the right to filibuster will remain... so long as it is not used.


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