Friday, September 28, 2007

Cheers for Homeland Security!

Customs lets man with bloody chainsaw, wild tale into U.S.
Customs officials said Wednesday that they were concerned when Gregory Allan Despres crossed the border from Canada into Maine on April 25, carrying a chainsaw that appeared to be splattered with blood and claiming he worked for the president.

But, they said, after seizing the weapons, they were forced to let the 22- year-old man enter the country because he is a naturalized U.S. citizen and there was no evidence at that time that he had committed any crime.

It wasn't until the next day, when the bodies of Despres' slain neighbors in the village of Minto, New Brunswick, were discovered, that he was sought in their slayings. He was captured wandering around Mattapoisett, Mass., where he had previously lived and is currently being held in Plymouth jail, facing extradition to Canada.


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