Off to France we Go!!!!

A well deserved vacation. Last year, we had so much fun that we decided to do it again this year as well. But that is just part of the reason since my Dad is not doing too good and so I like to see him as much as possible before he dies.
On the bright side, I have warned Erin that she is not allowed to purchase any more shoes, unless she actually wears them shoes. Last year she bought many pairs... I think I have seen her wear one pair, once.
We also decided that we are not going to fly with any American Companies since the service in each and every of these airlines suck and the seats are so close that you can feel people breathe next to you. So, last year we flew Air France--which was all right but nothing to write home about (although still it was ten times better service that American or United or other shit Airlines operated by any American Company). This year we are flying the Spaniards Airlines: Iberia. We'll see how good it is. The tickets were more expensive that the American Companies and a little more than Air France... and we have a quick change in Madrid, Spain... But I am hopeful.
I expect S-E-R-V-I-C-E!
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