Saturday, February 19, 2005

No Peace without Justice

In the George Bush's vision of America, people are safe, but unequal. Secretary Rice's speech in Paris is proof of that: "terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, regional conflicts, failed states, and organized crime." Dangers that weigh on the freedom of the world's peoples are thus excluded: social imbalances, environmental disorders, inequalities between continents, countries, and classes, the opulence, even to squandering wastefulness, of some, the misery, even hunger, of others, everything that relates to the gap between rich and poor. Condoleezza Rice's freedom is not preoccupied with equality."

In that Vision of the World, somehow the poor who get poorer and the rich who get richer and the inequalities that get wider are supposed to live safely and happily side by side. While all social programs are getting cut across the board, tax cuts for the rich remain.

Can there be freedom and democracy along with security and well being where inequality is the mortar that attempts to hold the society together?
How then should we be surprised by the success of Hugo Chavez's populism or by the continuing popularity of the Castro dictatorship?




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