Saturday, February 26, 2005

You Have an Rx for That Vibrator?

What is it with sex that Religion and those hell bent on religiosity cannot stand. I mean, why aren't they objecting to say the existence of Las Vegas? Or the violence we see on TV and/or various video games out there... In Alabama, forgetting all the other issues in life, they have passed against, of all things, sex toys.

"Sherri Williams, owner of upscale sexuality boutiques Pleasures I and Pleasures II and plaintiff in Williams v. Alabama, has been fighting the law since its inception in 1998. (The Supreme Court rejected her most recent appeal.)

However, even this law recognizes that sex toys are not inherently criminal. It exempts sexual devices used 'for a bona fide medical, scientific, educational, legislative, judicial or law enforcement purpose.' It just isn't clear on what qualifies as 'bona fide' -- or who makes that decision."

You Have an Rx for That Vibrator?


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