Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Banned from Spymac.com

Today I got banned from Spymac.com.

That I got banned from Spymac was no surprise to me--I called a racist a racist and according to spymac rules, this constitutes a personal attack and therefore not allowed. That I called a racist a racist of course requires no apology and none will ever be forthcoming. What I do find regrettable in my view is the fact that Spymac.com condones racism and racist thoughts and threads as allowing such thread to continue and silencing the voice condemning racism evidence it.

I can see one think twice before calling a troll a troll--after all other than a temporary nuisance, a troll is harmless. A racist and racist thoughts however, are not merely momentarily harms one can put up with and forgive or forget or allow to pass without calling it, pointing a finger at and yell and stump in order to have it erased and/or stopped. Racism is criminal. Racism is immoral. Racism is unethical. Racism has no place in civilized society and to allow it to continue is all that and ignorant.

The thread that got me banned began here. What was said is racist. The author is using an event that is regrettable and not necessarily a Muslim event, as a tool to ignite feelings of hatred against Muslims, in general--after all why would this racist person entitle his thread by referring to all Muslims?

Now, I am not a religious person by any means. In fact, religion and religiosity offends me. Priests offend me. God offends me. Heaven and Hell and all that fiction offend me. Islam, Christianity and Judaism offend me. But, my views of religion are personal and private. I have been at the same dinner table with a priest and have kept my manners and smile and good conversation ensued.

Racism is different. Racism is dangerous. Racism is not private. Racism goes to the core of a person and attacks the very dignity of a person to exist. While Religion may create generation of drones, Racism creates criminals who attack the very foundation of a free society. That Spymac.com appears to condone this is simply regrettable.

My comment, which essentially called the racist author as such, was erased (click here and scroll down--you cannot miss it!). While I find being banned distressful, I find remaining silent before racism unimaginable.


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