Tuesday, March 08, 2005

You Wanted Democracy, Mr. Bush?

Even the New York Times could not fudge on the numbers as they did with the anti-war demonstrations all around the world. The pictures do not lie... The Pro-Syrian crowd far out-weights those who want the Syrian troops to leave Lebanon. You want democracy? Here it is Mr. Bush. Seat down and enjoy it.

"Hundreds of thousands of pro-Syrian protesters poured into a central Beirut square this afternoon in a demonstration called for by the militant group Hezbollah that vastly outnumbered recent rallies demanding that Syrian forces leave Lebanon.

Thousands in the vast crowds waved Lebanese flags, as called for by the head of Hezbollah, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, who made a surprise appearance and reiterated his opposition to a United Nations resolution demanding an immediate pullout by Syria and Hezbollah's disarmament .

Others held up banners proclaiming in English, 'Thanks to Syria' and 'No to Foreign Interference,' as well as pictures of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, his ally, President �mile Lahoud of Lebanon, and Rafik Hariri, the former Lebanese prime minister."

Huge Pro-Syrian Protest Fills Square and Streets in Beirut


Blogger NBT said...

Sounds like we building empires more!

10/3/05 21:27  

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