Saturday, March 19, 2005

It's Downhill From Here...


Back in 1998 when the Inernet was getting more and more commercial I wrote about the fact that the Internet was going the same route as TV went back in the 50s and was fast becoming simply a tool for the delivery of commercials and advertising. Content back in 1998 on the Internet was already dwindling... and fast.

Now we have this from GM's Vice Chairman:

"'This is the first of many commentaries I will make on this forum,' wrote General Motors Vice Chairman Robert A. Lutz in January when he first started his blog,, 'and I'd like to begin with, surprise, some product talk -- specifically, Saturn products.'"

Oh goody... let's us hear about them Saturn products Bob. That is why we are here for.

More PR Than No-Holds-Barred On Bosses' Corporate Blogs


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