Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Yes... Yes... Yes!!!!

Winning a battle but not the War. These mother fuckers (and I include the gutless, spineless, principle -less Democrats who supported Harry Reid) will try again the give the Telecom industry a pass on their past illegal activities.

Please give as much as you can to the cause.

Telecom Immunity Pulled From Senate Debate, Threatened Filibuster, Amendments Force Delay In Vote On Surveillance Bill Until New Year
A controversial bill which would grant retroactive immunity to phone companies for assisting the government in illegally prying into Americans' private communications was pulled from the Senate floor today under threat of a filibuster and a pile of pending amendments.

Late Monday Senate Majority Harry Reid delayed consideration of a vote on the updated Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) bill until January.


Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., who had vowed to filibuster in opposition to the bill's provision to grant immunity, said in a statement that "Today we have scored a victory for American civil liberties and sent a message to President Bush that we will not tolerate his abuse of power and veil of secrecy.

"The President should not be above the rule of law, nor should the telecom companies who supported his quest to spy on American citizens," Dodd said.

The new surveillance bill is meant to replace a temporary eavesdropping law Congress hastily passed in August. That law, which expanded the government's authority to listen in on American communications without court permission, expires Feb. 1.


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