Clintons Again?
I must admit that I was a supporter of the Clintons in that era. That was so because there were no respectable alternatives. I mean, who were on the other side? The Bushies and the likes who predicated their political allegiance on a blow job! We now have alternatives... But they don't get the attention they deserve.
As always, voting for the lesser of the two evil, Obama appears to be the choice. If he gets elected, I can say that I had lunch with the President, he sat at my table and we chatted and then I shook his hand.
We Forget What It Was Really Like Under the Clintons
As always, voting for the lesser of the two evil, Obama appears to be the choice. If he gets elected, I can say that I had lunch with the President, he sat at my table and we chatted and then I shook his hand.
We Forget What It Was Really Like Under the Clintons
Clintonism never saw a sector it didn't want to deregulate. Wholesale electricity deregulation began under George H.W. Bush, but Clinton worked relentlessly to extend it and bring it to the retail level. We forget that Ken Lay, the founder of Enron and the driving force behind electricity deregulation was a friend of and mentor to Clinton as well as George W. Bush. Enron gave $420,000 to Clinton's party over three years and donated $100,000 to his inauguration festivities. Ken Lay stayed at the White House 11 times.
Clinton's appointees on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) aggressively deregulated the electric grid system, even refusing to step in when Enron and other electricity traders' manipulation of prices drove California to the edge of bankruptcy.
And then there was welfare reform. During his 1992 presidential campaign, Clinton promised to "end welfare as we know it." Four years later he proudly pushed through the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, which, for the first time in 60 years, eliminated the federal safety net for the poor. The legislation set work requirements for most welfare recipients and limited the length of time they could collect assistance.
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