Thursday, January 03, 2008

What A Fucking Idiot

No, not the attorney who is accused of scratching/keying a guy's BMW but John Kass who in his stupid editorial has opined out of his ass and has forgotten that in America the accused is innocent until proven guilty. The accused here has denied the charges but Kass, in his infinite stupidity and in complete abuse of his access to the mass media, has judged and determined the guilt of the accused. Perhaps he likes to join the Illinois Bench?

What a fucking idiot!

For Marine's sendoff, his car is keyed --
And I wanted to get Grodner's side of it because he's been accused but not convicted of anything. So we called all the Grodner numbers we could find -- home and business -- including those on the police report and others in the suburbs and Chicago. Many were disconnected, and his cell phone voice mail was full.

I'd like to ask him two questions:


And, are you proud?


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