Saturday, March 19, 2005

Do Onto Others...

The official National Defense Policy now includes "preemtive strikes" where necessary and without the participation, notification or approval of our allies or the United Nations.

Common sense has now completely left the mind of the current policy makers. The Preemptive Strike Policy is sure to invite more attacks against the United States and the creation of a more terroristic world rather then the opposite. Perhaps this is the exact result intended because any 3rd grade student would be able to tell you that if one person believes that it is OK for him to go around slapping kids in the face if he feels threatened by them, it is only natural that other kids will act exactly the same by planning on slapping that kid before he slaps them... and there, my friends, lies the true recipe for chaos--Which incidently is a world in which the Neo-cons thrive!

Perpetual fear, perpetual war, perpetual terror. It has worked for them so far...


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