... Better read the article and find buried in the middle of it, this real gem:
"U.S. military photos of the alleged lab showed a bare concrete-walled room scattered with stacks of plastic containers, coiled tubing, hoses and a stand holding a large metal device that looked like a distillery. Black rubber boots lay among the gear.
The operation was the biggest suspected chemical-weapon lab found so far in Iraq, Boylan said. A lab discovered last year in the insurgent stronghold of Fallujah contained a how-to book for chemical weapons and an unspecified amount of chemicals."
Read MoreSo what does this mean? I will tell you what it means. It means two things:
1- Before the Idiot's invasion, Iraq had got ridden of its WMDs; but, now they are re-manufacturing it;
2- Before the Idiot's invasion, Iraq did not have any connection with terrorists; but, now they are all over Iraq.
Feel safer now?
So I hope all yous who voted a second time for the Idiot are feeling sorry for your ignorance?