Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Off to France we Go!!!!


A well deserved vacation. Last year, we had so much fun that we decided to do it again this year as well. But that is just part of the reason since my Dad is not doing too good and so I like to see him as much as possible before he dies.

On the bright side, I have warned Erin that she is not allowed to purchase any more shoes, unless she actually wears them shoes. Last year she bought many pairs... I think I have seen her wear one pair, once.

We also decided that we are not going to fly with any American Companies since the service in each and every of these airlines suck and the seats are so close that you can feel people breathe next to you. So, last year we flew Air France--which was all right but nothing to write home about (although still it was ten times better service that American or United or other shit Airlines operated by any American Company). This year we are flying the Spaniards Airlines: Iberia. We'll see how good it is. The tickets were more expensive that the American Companies and a little more than Air France... and we have a quick change in Madrid, Spain... But I am hopeful.

I expect S-E-R-V-I-C-E!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Spoiler is in the Eye of the Beholder

Without Kucinich, I thought I have to vote for the lesser of the two morons... I now have someone to vote for without having to hold my nose while doing so.


Ralph Nader running again
Nader, who played a spoiler's role in the presidential election of 2000, said today on NBC News' Meet the Press that he is ready to run again in 2008.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


<b>Nap time</b><br> Flocke, a polar bear cub at the Tiergarten Nuernberg Zoo in Nuremburg, Germany, takes a nap Monday in her new enclosure.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ai Ai Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dancing Bushes...

<b>Dancers perform for President Bush</b><br> Tanzanian dancers wearing traditional African "kanga" cloths bearing the image of President Bush perform Sunday at a dinner held for President Bush in the State House in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Dancers perform for President Bush
Tanzanian dancers wearing traditional African "kanga" cloths bearing the image of President Bush perform Sunday at a dinner held for President Bush in the State House in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (AP photo by Charles Dharapak / February 17, 2008)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Pay Right Up

Why Religious Poeple are So Stupid?

This idiot is lamenting over what he calls a "nutty lawsuit." He or she does not appear to have read nor understood what the lawsuit he or she refers to is all about.
"Just like The Naked Cowboy does on a daily basis in Times Square, the
M&M is not only dressed as "The Naked Cowboy ," it is playing the
Naked Cowboy 's distinctive white guitar in the cartoon," the lawsuit
said.Mars and Chute Gerdeman "decided to exploit and trade upon
The Naked Cowboy 's well-recognized likeness without a license and
without furnishing any compensation," the lawsuit said.
So what is "nutty" about that?
What a fucking idiot. Psalm Fuck Face verse 3.
Why we need tort reform. Read on:
'Naked Cowboy' Sues for $6 Million - AOL News
Another nutty lawsuit forthcoming. Sheesh!!!!
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105

Go Fuck Yourself

Bush Says Congress Putting US in Danger
President Bush said Friday that "our country is in more danger of an attack" because of Congress' failure to adopt a Senate bill that would have renewed a law that made it easier for the government to spy on foreign phone calls and e-mails that pass through the United States. That bill also would have shielded from lawsuits telecommunications companies that helped the government wiretap U.S. computer and phone lines after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks without clearance from a secret court that was established specifically to oversee such activities. In its competing version of the legislation, the House intentionally left out that feature.

This mother fucker really thinks we are stupid. He refuses to sign the bill if it does not contain immunity from prosecution for acts he contends to have been perfectly legal--one wonders that if they were legal acts, why does he need immunity for his friends in the telecom business? That is, he refuses to sign a bill that he contends will make America safe. That is, making America Safe is not as important as keeping his friends in the Telecom industry safe!

What a garbage.

Pledge of Allegiance

Friday, February 15, 2008

This Is Not a Blog


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

All Say Heil to the King!!

Yours truly has been chosen as one of the artists to participate in 2008 Artist Project. This is part of Artopolis which, unbeknown to me (Erin told me all about it) is evidently da Shit! It's a city wide celebration of Arts, Antiques and Culture. Artists from all over the world compete to be in it. Apparently, last year they had something like 42,000 visitors at the Merchandise Mart where my work will be shown!

If all goes well with my shoots, I will have all new material to show...

Shama Shama Moooma!!!
All Hail the KING!

All I did was fill out an application and submit 6 to 8 sample of my work. I did that many months ago. I knew they were going to announce the Chosen Ones in February, but I wasn't holding my breath.

Shama Shama Moooma!!!
All Hail the KING!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Prick in Chief

And The Frog Stayed in the Pot...

The water is getting hotter and hotter... ever so slowly.

FBI Gives Private Contractors Extraordinary Powers, Including 'Shoot to Kill'
Today, more than 23,000 representatives of private industry are working quietly with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. The members of this rapidly growing group, called InfraGard, receive secret warnings of terrorist threats before the public does — and, at least on one occasion, before elected officials. In return, they provide information to the government, which alarms the ACLU. But there may be more to it than that. One business executive, who showed me his InfraGard card, told me they have permission to “shoot to kill” in the event of martial law. InfraGard is “a child of the FBI,” says Michael Hershman, the chairman of the advisory board of the InfraGard National Members Alliance and CEO of the Fairfax Group, an international consulting firm.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Illegal Art

Consumer Whore
In 2000, a year after Kieron Dwyer made comic books, t-shirts, and stickers with his version of the Starbucks logo, the company sued him, obtaining an injunction that prevented Dwyer from using the parody until the case was scheduled to go to court over a year later. When the case was finally settled, Dwyer was allowed to continue displaying his logo but only in extremely limited circumstances. No more comic books, t-shirts, or stickers: he may post the image on the web but not on his own website -- nor may he link from his website to any other sites that show the parody. In short, Dwyer is permitted to use the logo as long as Starbucks can be confident that no one will see it.

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Friday, February 01, 2008

At Least Some of Us are Having Fun

Mags, who belongs to the Broderick family in Frankfort, takes a break from romping in the snow. (Tribune photo by Scott Strazzante / February 1, 2008)