Sunday, September 30, 2007

Margin's Opening Show

There it is. We had probably around three hundred people show up for the Opening of the first Margin's Group Show entitled: "Sojourn."

An utter success. We also got written up in The Reader!!

Now, I just have to get back to producing... I haven't had a photo shoot since... well... since forever!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Cheers for Homeland Security!

Customs lets man with bloody chainsaw, wild tale into U.S.
Customs officials said Wednesday that they were concerned when Gregory Allan Despres crossed the border from Canada into Maine on April 25, carrying a chainsaw that appeared to be splattered with blood and claiming he worked for the president.

But, they said, after seizing the weapons, they were forced to let the 22- year-old man enter the country because he is a naturalized U.S. citizen and there was no evidence at that time that he had committed any crime.

It wasn't until the next day, when the bodies of Despres' slain neighbors in the village of Minto, New Brunswick, were discovered, that he was sought in their slayings. He was captured wandering around Mattapoisett, Mass., where he had previously lived and is currently being held in Plymouth jail, facing extradition to Canada.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007



Hello! My name is Lambuel and I hope that we can be friends. I would like to share with you my love for Jesus. Did you know that Jesus loves each and every one of us? It’s true! In the Bible, He says: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"... Isn’t that COOL?!

OBJECTIVE: 4 Kidz with Lambuel!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


... Shut the fuck up.

Ways to Get Rid of Them

I suppose it is easier to put a yellow sticker on one's car and pretend to support the troops while they are being shafted right and left over there and over here.

Personality Disorders and Military Benefits Do Not Mix
In the case of a personality disorder it should be an answer that helps make sense of problematic thought and behavior patterns. Receiving the diagnosis should not be a punishment.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Badges? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Badges.

For about 15 minutes, Prime Minister Maliki thought he was really a Prime Minister and his country was really sovereign. Thank god we have Condoleeza to disabuse him of that sort of thought.

Iraq sees security vacuum without Blackwater
The shooting in western Baghdad last Sunday incensed Iraqis and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki vowed to freeze the work of Blackwater, which employs about 1,000 people and guards the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. But five days later it was back at work.

Instead, the Iraqi government and U.S. officials have agreed to set up a joint inquiry into the work of private security companies like U.S.-based Blackwater, which many Iraqis see as private armies acting with impunity.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has said she had ordered a full "review of how we are conducting our security details" but added that dangerous diplomatic missions in Iraq had to go on because they were critical to U.S. goals in the country.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I'll Bang My Head Against the Wall Too...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It Is All a Farce.

The Hypocrisy of Bill Clinton's New Book 'Giving'

"The misery sweeping across the American landscape may have begun with Ronald Reagan, but it was accelerated and codified by Bill Clinton. He sold out the poor and the working class.  And Clinton did it deliberately to feed the pathological hunger he and his wife have for political power.  It was the Clintons who led the Democratic Party to the corporate watering trough.

The Clintons argued that the party had to ditch labor unions, no longer a source of votes or power, as a political ally. Workers would vote Democratic anyway. They had no choice. It was better, the Clintons argued, to take corporate money and use government to service the needs of the corporations.  By the 1990s, the Democratic Party, under Clinton’s leadership, had virtual fund-raising parity with the Republicans.  In political terms, it was a success.  In moral terms, it was a betrayal."

So We Are Smarter... What Else is New?

Frank J. Sulloway, a researcher at UC Berkeley's Institute of Personality and Social Research told The Los Angeles Times that the results "provided an elegant demonstration that individual differences on a conservative-liberal dimension are strongly related to brain activity." The Times reports that "liberals were 4.9 times as likely as conservatives to show activity in the brain circuits that deal with conflicts, and 2.2 times as likely to score in the top half of the distribution for accuracy." Thus with one, simple experiment we have solved the mystery of how half our nation fell for the 9/11/Sadaam Hussein boondoggle. W is to M as Sadaam is to Bin Laden. While, they share some qualities (spikey, swarthy, hateful, gun lovin') they were decidedly NOT the same man. But those differences are irrelevant once your mind has been made up for you.

What is Better Than Chasing Ambulances?

... Ridding in them.

Disbarred Attorney Pleads Guilty to Mail Fraud, Faces up to 15 Years in Jail

"A nationally known mass torts lawyer and star in the South Florida legal community, he once employed 40 people and represented more than 12,000 class action clients around the country. He focused on asbestos cases, traveling in a van with a doctor and X-ray machine. He signed up clients with the help of advertising on national television."

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

LoL... What Did he Say?

Whom Am I Talking To?

Way Too Much Religion

Ok--I watched this Superman Returms movie, finally, and I must tell you that there is way too much religious shit in it. I read somewhere that the new SM is acting way too much like Hesus de Christo... well... they weren't kidding.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

You Gotta Watch This...

OK--I was wondering how is it that people eat up what they are fed by Fox, CNN, New York Times and other rags. This--makes it all clear. Check it out:

Never Forget: "A Weary Nation Has Moved On"

Rand Shrugged

We have finally seen the ridiculous end to Rand's philosophy of "Greed is Good" when we see, today, that the distribution of wealth and capital into the hands of one group has given rise to the "gilded age" all over again.

I did not know Alan Greenspan was a fan of Rand--the current economic status where the economy is booming but the majority of people are poor is making perfect sense!

Ayn Rand’s Literature of Capitalism

"The book is “Atlas Shrugged,” Ayn Rand’s glorification of the right of individuals to live entirely for their own interest."

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Things Are Looking Up

The Kahanists are a fringe movement, but their self-defeating list may nonetheless be a metaphor for the coming crisis in more mainstream nationalist efforts to police Jewish identity. The Zionist establishment has had remarkable success over the past half-century in convincing others that Israel and its supporters speak for, and represent, 'the Jews.' The value to their cause of making Israel indistinguishable from Jews at large is that it becomes a lot easier to shield Israel from reproach. It suggests, in the most emphatic terms, that serious criticism of Israel amounts to criticism of Jews. More than a millennium of violent Christian persecution of Jews, culminating in the Holocaust, has made many in the West rightly sensitive towards any claims of anti-Semitism, a sensitivity many Zionists like to exploit to gain a carte blanche exemption from criticism for a state they claim to be the very personification of Jewishness.

Things Are Looking Up

A New Landscape of Jewish Dissen
The Kahanists are a fringe movement, but their self-defeating list may nonetheless be a metaphor for the coming crisis in more mainstream nationalist efforts to police Jewish identity. The Zionist establishment has had remarkable success over the past half-century in convincing others that Israel and its supporters speak for, and represent, "the Jews." The value to their cause of making Israel indistinguishable from Jews at large is that it becomes a lot easier to shield Israel from reproach. It suggests, in the most emphatic terms, that serious criticism of Israel amounts to criticism of Jews. More than a millennium of violent Christian persecution of Jews, culminating in the Holocaust, has made many in the West rightly sensitive towards any claims of anti-Semitism, a sensitivity many Zionists like to exploit to gain a carte blanche exemption from criticism for a state they claim to be the very personification of Jewishness.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

It's a Family Affair

Soon we'll have babies to deal with...


Wanted: Unruly Activists
The first thing the members of Congress did before they heard the testimony of General David Petraeus, the Administration's new political point man on the war, was to throw the members of Code Pink out of the room. The Code Pinkers are those obnoxious females wearing their eponymously colored T-shirts with end-the-killing slogans on them.

The women of Code Pink are liable to pop up at any solemn public gathering demanding peace at the top of their voices. They are unable to understand that elected officials are better informed and wiser than they are and thus they mistakenly dis people important enough to warrant bodyguards.

During Code Pink's brief moment in the sun, several Republican members of Congress groused to House Arms Committee Chairman Ike Skelton (D. Mo) about the scandalous trouble-makers. American politicians, who these days are equipped with security details, have come to regard political heckling as a misdemeanor of greater gravity even than making a pass at an undercover cop in a men's room. Heckling used to be an inseparable part of public debate and, once upon a time, a politician was judged in part by his ability to come through with the kind of humorous riposte that sets audiences to laughing and the hecklers to the sidelines. Lincoln, Churchill and Disraeli were masters at it.

The Shock Doctrine

by Alfonso Cuarón and Naomi Klein

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Things Are Starting to Make Sense

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Tragic Day for Many Reasons

The day when George Bush and Rudy Giuliani (both with super low approval ratings) suddenly became heros.

Monday, September 10, 2007


I just very much like this painting

Saturday, September 08, 2007

There is a Saying in Tennessee... In Texas too...

I Never Thought I Would Quote Huffington

Aside from the fact that she has no entrenched ideology, having been a Republican without success and having found her success when she changed colors and became a "Liberal", I must say that in this instance she is right on spot:
And good political strategy is difficult to make when you are constantly wondering how your decisions will look in a future attack ad. “This administration’s capabilities of having Rose Garden press conferences and the kind of punitive rhetoric they’re using is concerning to Members,” explained Rep. Ellen Tauscher. “I don’t think we have a vehicle [for withdrawal] that will get 60 votes in the Senate. In the absence of that, we’re naked.”

Well, better naked than castrated.

The Democrats’ thinking on this is unfathomable — it makes no sense logically, morally or politically. They have the majority of the American people wanting to bring this war to an end; a constant stream of tragic news from Iraq; and a president committed to “stay the course” despite all evidence that the course we are on is taking us over the cliff.

It’s time for Democrats to stop sounding the retreat on ending the war and actually pay attention to John McCain, who said that if they “are serious that we ought to stop the war” they should “bring up a bill to cut off the funding and end it.”
Democrats Hold All the Cards, So Why Are They Folding?

Friday, September 07, 2007

It's a Sad Day...

... when we long for Reagan's days!

Bill Maher: Let Bush Be Reagan
"New Rule: For the next 18 months, let Bush be Reagan. A completely dissociative personality who lets the real work of the nation go on elsewhere, while he sits behind his desk and hums. I don't think the problem is that Bush lives in a bubble. I say make the bubble thicker. Use the armor we can't get to the troops. For example, on this whole 'bomb Iran' thing. Let's not, and just tell him we did."

Thursday, September 06, 2007

These Democrats...

... Can go fuck themselves.

After short-circuiting consideration of votes on some bipartisan proposals on Iraq before the August break, senior Democrats now say they are willing to rethink their push to establish a withdrawal deadline of next spring if doing so will attract the 60 Senate votes needed to prevail.

Democrats Newly Willing to Compromise on Iraq

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Jack Kerouac Explains On The Road

Gotta watch this...

Clinically Dead Anti War Movement

Why Bush Can Get Away with Attacking Iran

"The only thing that might stop the war would be for Americans themselves to threaten their own government with massive civil disobedience. But that is not going to happen. A large part of the academic left long ago gave up informing the general public about the real world in order to debate whether Capital is a Signifier or a Signified, or worry about their Bodies and their Selves, while preachers tell their flocks to rejoice at each new sign that the end of the world is nigh. Children in Iran won't sleep at night, but the liberal American intelligentsia will lecture the ROW (rest of the world) about Human Rights. In fact, the prevalence of the 'reassuring arguments' cited above proves that the antiwar movement is clinically dead. If it weren't, it would rely on its own forces to stop war, not speculate on how others might do the job."

Fuck the New York Times...Again!

Media Views Permalink

"The first peek at a new book replete with rare one-on-one interviews with George W. Bush is full of claims about his administration that go mostly (if not entirely) unchallenged, leaving one to suspect that this was part of the deal the Times struck to get the story—since the article only passingly mentions their unusual decision to publicize a book they're not directly involved with, written by close Bush family friend Robert Draper."

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Just a Bit Inconsistent

The view of America from Tehran. - By Reza Aslan

"The accusations of Iran's meddling in Iraq are no doubt true. But consider this: According to a report released by the New York Times, of the 60 to 80 fighters who enter Iraq each month to join al Qaida in Mesopotamia, half are from Saudi Arabia. The majority of suicide bombers are Saudis, as are about 45 percent of all foreign militants targeting U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians. And nearly half of the foreign prisoners in U.S. custody in Iraq are from Saudi Arabia. Yet, far from threatening to confront Saudi Arabia's murderous activities, Bush has just offered to supply billions of dollars in advanced weaponry to that country. Why? According to State and Defense department officials, to help ward off Iranian influence."

Any Which One Will Do...

Monday, September 03, 2007


Happy Labor Day!

"It's a shame that the only thing a man can do for eight hours a day is work. He can't eat for eight hours; he can't drink for eight hours; he can't make love for eight hours. The only thing a man can do for eight hours is work. 

- William Faulkner"