Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Darn Good Question

"Since his first fevered dreams of toppling Saddam and remaking the Middle East, President Bush has always tied the idea of finishing the job in Iraq to the exercise of hard power. It was a job more for Rummy than Colin or Condi. His only nod to questions of when our troops will come home: “As the Iraqis stand up, we will stand down.” But a positive outcome in Iraq will not be the result of our military might, even if we stop-loss our troops for the next hundred years.


As retired Gen. William Odom, former national security advisor to Reagan, has pointed out: the insurgents are fighting very effectively without US military training, so why aren’t the Iraqi security forces? "

Iraq: A Handy Rebuttal to the "We Have to Finish the Job" Conventional Wisdom

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Dear Mr. President by Pink

See the video.

Count the Vote


Very Intriguing...

"The evidence that explosives were used in the 9/11 attack is so overhwelming that three full length films could have been made on the subject alone. In this 22 minute clip Alex reports from ground zero and talks to eyewitnesses who were there on the day who reported bombs. Alex also points out the relation of Building 7 to the twin towers and the impossibility that it could have collapsed from minimal fire damage."

Alex Jones at Ground Zero: The Use Of Explosives In the 9/11 Attack

See the Movie here

What Charlie Sheen Said

"Sheen agreed that the biggest conspiracy theory was put out by the government itself and prefaced his argument by quoting Theodore Roosevelt in stating, 'That we are to stand by the President right or wrong is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.'"

This article is an interesting read. Questions have gone unanswered and the Government sure is acting strange...

Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story

An Eye Opener...

"'If our findings are correct,' Fetzer observed, 'then the American government has been using acts of violence to instill fear into the American people in order to manipulate us for political purposes. That, however, is the definition of 'terrorism'; which means that the American government has been practicing terrorism on the American people. That may be difficult for many Americans to accept, but the evidence is clear and compelling. Charlie Sheen was right!'"

Scholars Call Moussaoui Trial a "Charade;" See Constitutional Rights on Trial; Describe Accused as Patsy

Getting Hotter...

Let's see how well she will try to weasel her way out of this one. Hey, Lady... You gonna be under oath, better do your best to avoid testimony.

"U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis on Friday allowed the defense to summon Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to testify in the trial of two former AIPAC officials accused of disclosing classified information."

Virginia Judge allows defense in AIPAC trial to summon Rice

Impeach the Crook Already...

"The Central Intelligence Agency warned US President George W. Bush before the Iraq war that it had reliable information the government of Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction, a retired CIA operative disclosed.

But the operative, Tyler Drumheller, said top White House officials simply brushed off the warning, saying they were 'no longer interested' in intelligence and that the policy toward Iraq had been already set.

The disclosure, made in an interview with CBS's '60 Minutes' program due to be broadcast late Sunday, adds to earlier accusations that the Bush administration used intelligence selectively as it built its case for the March 2003 invasion of Iraq and the toppling of Saddam's regime."

CIA warned Bush of no WMD in Iraq: retired official

Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Next Target

Hear the Man talk. Amazing frank talk fom Ron Paul of Texas in the US House of Representative on April 5, 2006. This is a long speech but worth hearing it.

"Iran’s history is being ignored, just as we ignored Iraq’s history. This ignorance or deliberate misrepresentation of our recent relationship to Iraq and Iran is required to generate the fervor needed to attack once again a country that poses no threat to us. "

Iran: The Next Neocon Target

Gotta See This...

Friday, April 21, 2006

Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch..

"Oilfield services conglomerate Halliburton Co. said Thursday that first-quarter net income rose 33 percent, a boost driven largely by increased sales and robust rig activity in North America.

The Houston-based company reported net income of $488 million, or 91 cents a share, compared to $365 million, or 72 cents a share in the same quarter last year"

Halliburton 1Q Profit Climbs 33 Percent


I have been saying that since 1999 and no one wanted to believe me. I sure feel vindicated.

"Here it is: The president of the United States is a moron.

Yes, stupid, dumb as common road gravel. And not figuratively, but literally. George W. Bush, president of the world's last remaining superpower, is a moron. Forrest Gump's evil twin."

Forrest Gump's Evil Twin

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Are We Doomed Yet?

"The alarm should be bi-partisan. Many Republicans fear their president's image as a bumbler will hurt their party for years. The rest may fret about the almost certain paralysis within the administration, or a reversal of certain favorite policies. A Gallup poll this week revealed that 44% of Republicans want some or all troops brought home from Iraq. Do they really believe that their president will do that any time soon, if ever? In any case, a Fox News poll this week shows his approval rating sinking to 33%, with grassroots Republicans abandoning Bush in droves.

Democrats, meanwhile, cross their fingers that Bush doesn’t do something really stupid -- i.e. nuke Iran -- while they try to win control of at least one house in Congress by doing nothing yet somehow earning (they hope) the anti-Bush vote. "

A Crisis Almost Without Equal

Best President Since Clinton


Tuesday, April 18, 2006


"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true."
- Robert Wilensky

Monday, April 17, 2006

Sorry... Could Not Resist...


Sunday, April 16, 2006

You Haven't Seen Stupid Yet...

"Just because a course of action is foolish, irrational, costly, and bloody doesn’t mean the Bush Administration won’t pursue it. And just because U.S. troops are bogged down in Iraq doesn’t mean the Bush Administration has lost its appetite for military adventurism.

This is an Administration that discounts the downside and hypes the upside to military action. It now appears to be gearing up to bomb Iran. We ought not be lulled into a false sense of complacency. Bush’s low poll numbers and his Iraq fiasco may be reasons as much for him to launch bombs as not.

Progressive experts who have been following U.S. security issues for decades are increasingly certain that Bush is going forward with his Iran bombing plans.

There is a 75 percent likelihood that Bush will bomb Iran before the 2006 elections, Michael Klare, professor of Peace and World Security Studies at Hampshire College, tells The Progressive."

Beware the Bombing of Iran

Saturday, April 15, 2006


What? So all that song and dance in front of the UN and all them charts and maps and drawings were all bogus? Colin Powell lied to us all... He joins the ranks of the mother fuckers who should be tried for treason.

"On Monday, Colin Powell said he never believed that Iraq posed an imminent threat -- and that Bush followed Cheney's misleading advice instead."

War on Iraq: Now He Tells Us

Friday, April 14, 2006

Is It That Silly?


We Are Not Alone

The American Public is not the only ones freaking out over this War on Terror (whatever that means). The British seems to have nothing to envy us in that department... !

"AN ASIAN salesman was hauled off a plane as a suspected terrorist because he was listening to The Clash song London Calling."


Oh Yeah... It All Makes Sense Now!

"According to White House spokesman Scott McClellan, the DIA report debunking the “weapons labs” is “a complex intelligence white paper and it’s ... one derived from highly classified information (and) takes a substantial amount of time to coordinate and to run through a declassification process.”

If I understand what McClellan is saying, Bush leaked bad information from a classified intelligence report because there wasn’t enough time for the contradictory DIA report to go through a declassification process. All of which would make more sense if we hadn’t just gone through this Valerie Plame episode, where the White House says if the president leaked it, then it’s legal to leak it. No problem, the president can declassify at will, they said. I don’t know about you, but none of it is becoming clearer for me. Does anyone understand why we have to bomb Iran yet?"

White House Whopper Becomes Instant Classic

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The dullest blog in the world

Ha ha ha... this way funny!

The dullest blog in the world: "I thought I saw something happening out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to the right but didn't see anything out of the ordinary, so I turned it back again and continued with what I was doing."

Are We Missing Something?


The Future Suicide Bombers


April 9, 2006 | Injured family members mourn the death of eight-year-old Hadil Ghaber at home in Beit Lahia. The Palestinian girl was killed and 12 other people wounded yesterday when an Israeli shell struck a building in the northern Gaza Strip town.
(Photo: Mohammed Abed / AFP)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Against Our Interest

"My wife pointed out the irony of marching in solidarity with workers who had rights Americans can't imagine. Later, several Italians demanded to know why the average American worker doesn't have health insurance, higher wages, better retirement benefits, more vacation time, and rights that Italian workers take for granted. How can we be so stupid? I had a hard time explaining why Americans support millionaires and billionaires instead of taking up for themselves. They never did understand and I don't either.

When I returned home, California voters rejected a law that would have provided health care for more workers, paid for by employers. The law had passed the legislature and been signed by the governor, but before it could be implemented, corporations convinced voters to place it on the ballot. Strangely enough, rising health care costs were at the top of the list of voter's concerns and they still voted against it.

As French students and workers march to protest a new law that will allow employers to fire employees without cause during their first two years of employment, one might expect American workers to sympathize with them. They don't. When I said I was on the worker's side, one friend criticized me for taking sides instead of considering all sides of the issue. Another minimum-wage friend became agitated when I protested tax cuts for the rich and claimed, 'I haven't given up the dream of getting rich someday.'"

The American Worker

Making Progress...


Friday, April 07, 2006

Ok... Is This Weird?

... Or is it weird?


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Lies of A "President"

let me just point out that the President straight up lied about warrantless spying when he was running for reelection.

“Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires—a wiretap requires a court order,” he said on the campaign trail. “Nothing has changed, by the way. When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so.”

Comment: Audacity and Mendacity

Monday, April 03, 2006



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You Guessed it: Fuck The Times


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Fuck the Times... Again.

"New York Times: Rifts Plague Anti-Chávez Venezuelans
(3/31/06) by Juan Forero

This Times piece, by design, is dominated by critics of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (who are, by all counts, a distinct minority in that country).

The Times offers a typical mainstream media formulation to explain Chavez's popularity:
Mr. Chávez remains hugely popular, with a 55 percent approval rating in opinion polls, for having funneled billions of dollars in oil revenue to the poor.

This makes it sound as if Chavez were doing something unusual. Is spending the revenue from your country's state-owned oil company really 'funneling' money to the poor? One wonders if a U.S. reporter would feel free to refer to, say, the White House tax cuts as a means of 'funneling' money to the super-wealthy."

Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting