The Drill...

Roadkill news (and other stuff) we all could use...
OK--- I hope this one won't get pulled off. We will see, meanwhile enjoy!
"Ha ha ha we Repubs are getting away with nominating a right wing extremist habitual liar religious freak again and we're getting away with this because the media always praises us and refuses to expose our corruption and extremism, even though we continue to claim the media is liberal."
On September 29, 2006, the platoon engaged four insurgents in a firefight, killing one and injuring another. Anticipating further attacks, Monsoor, three SEAL snipers and three Iraqi soldiers took up a rooftop position. Civilians aiding the insurgents blocked off the streets, and a nearby mosque broadcast a message for people to fight against the Americans and the Iraqi soldiers. Monsoor was protecting other SEALs, two of whom were 15 feet away. His position made him the only SEAL on the rooftop with quick access to an escape route.[2][6]
A grenade was thrown onto the rooftop by an insurgent in the street below. The grenade hit Monsoor in the chest and fell onto the floor. Immediately, Monsoor fell onto and covered the grenade with his body, saving the lives of three people. Monsoor was critically wounded and, although evacuated immediately, died 30 minutes later. Two SEALs next to him were injured by the blast but lived.[2]