Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Structure Of A Lie?
... Or product of a rampant imagination.
Whatever it is, it is worth the time to take a look:
DR215 - The False Legend of 9/11, Deconstructed
Whatever it is, it is worth the time to take a look:
DR215 - The False Legend of 9/11, Deconstructed
Friday, October 28, 2005
Here Is A Happy Man...

Here is Exxon Mobil Corp. Chairman and CEO Lee Raymond laughing during a news conference. He has every reason to be happy. While all hell is breaking lose in the world's economy his company is posting record profits:
Exxon Mobil Corp. had a quarter for the record books. The world's largest publicly traded oil company said Thursday high oil and natural-gas prices helped its third-quarter profit surge almost 75 percent to $9.92 billion, the largest quarterly profit for a U.S. company ever, and it was the first to ring up more than $100 billion in quarterly sales.
In a file photo Exxon Mobil Corp. Chairman and CEO Lee Raymond laughs during a news conference in Dallas, Wednesday, May 25, 2005. Exxon Mobil Corp., the largest publicly traded oil company in the world, on Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005, said third-quarter profit surged, buoyed by higher crude-oil and natural-gas prices, even as the period's hurricanes hampered production. Revenue grew to $100.72 billion from $76.38 billion in the prior-year period. (AP Photo/Donna McWilliam)
Net income ballooned to $9.92 billion, or $1.58 per share, from $5.68 billion, or 88 cents per share, a year ago.
Exxon Mobil Posts New Record for Profit
Who said the Bushola is not an effective leader?
Thursday, October 27, 2005
How Irrelevant...!
The withdrawal of Miers as Supreme Court nominee shows the irrelevancy of the Democrats. They have even less of a political pull than right wing fringe groups who voiced opposition to Miers' nomination... How dead a party can be before the need for a new party becomes a necessity?
May the Real GW Stand Up Please
A very good and concise account of the GW's business and political life. A short read...
"The best way to think of George W. Bush is as a beard for others. At every step in his career, individuals of wealth or power groomed him, and then used him as their front man.
These benefactors had learned long ago that there was more money and more power to be had in the shadows than in the limelight. All they needed was the right person to front for them -- someone with a name, a smile, a confident swagger. Vision, dreams, hopes and ethics were not only unnecessary, but liabilities in a beard. All they needed was a person they could program, wind up and send out into the public spotlight and deliver for them.
That's George W. Bush. He fit the bill to a T. Texas oil men -- and companies with international agendas and voracious appetites for government contracts -- had found their perfect front man in GW: a kind of Forrest Gump from the Dark Side. A man ignorant and proud of it, and willing to take direction from those he considered friends."
AlterNet: Ladies and Gentlemen: The Real George W. Bush
"The best way to think of George W. Bush is as a beard for others. At every step in his career, individuals of wealth or power groomed him, and then used him as their front man.
These benefactors had learned long ago that there was more money and more power to be had in the shadows than in the limelight. All they needed was the right person to front for them -- someone with a name, a smile, a confident swagger. Vision, dreams, hopes and ethics were not only unnecessary, but liabilities in a beard. All they needed was a person they could program, wind up and send out into the public spotlight and deliver for them.
That's George W. Bush. He fit the bill to a T. Texas oil men -- and companies with international agendas and voracious appetites for government contracts -- had found their perfect front man in GW: a kind of Forrest Gump from the Dark Side. A man ignorant and proud of it, and willing to take direction from those he considered friends."
AlterNet: Ladies and Gentlemen: The Real George W. Bush
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
This is simply too sad. All these lives lost for a lie and some profits for a select few...
"The U.S. military death toll in the Iraq war reached 2,000 with the announcements Tuesday of three more deaths."
U.S. Military Deaths Reach 2,000 in Iraq
"The U.S. military death toll in the Iraq war reached 2,000 with the announcements Tuesday of three more deaths."
U.S. Military Deaths Reach 2,000 in Iraq
Antony and the Johnsons

I heard them on NPR some time ago and ordered the CD and it came today and I am just floored... The voice reminds me of Nina Simone although the music is very different and more contemporary. I am going to order all their CDs...
listen here for a sample with Lou Reed as guest vocalist.
More samples here.
Get all the lyrics to the songs here.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Lookee... Lookee...
Is there anything protecting us, the Citizen of this Country, against this Government and this administration that is doing everything it can to allow pillage of the treasury's coffers? No real oversight of $140 billion??? Is this even real... Knowing the Bushola and his cohorts is like having a continuous winning lottery ticket...
"The chief Pentagon agency in charge of investigating and reporting fraud and waste in Defense Department spending in
Iraq quietly pulled out of the war zone a year ago - leaving what experts say are gaps in the oversight of how more than $140 billion is being spent.
The Defense Department's inspector general sent auditors into Iraq when the war started more than two years ago to ensure that taxpayers were getting their money's worth for everything from bullets to meals-ready-to-eat."
Agency charged with spending oversight in Iraq left country in '04
"The chief Pentagon agency in charge of investigating and reporting fraud and waste in Defense Department spending in
Iraq quietly pulled out of the war zone a year ago - leaving what experts say are gaps in the oversight of how more than $140 billion is being spent.
The Defense Department's inspector general sent auditors into Iraq when the war started more than two years ago to ensure that taxpayers were getting their money's worth for everything from bullets to meals-ready-to-eat."
Agency charged with spending oversight in Iraq left country in '04
Sunday, October 16, 2005
This merely confirms what I have been suspecting for a while--that terror alerts and the terror codes are being manipulated in time to divert the general public's attention from various news items. That the best thing that has occurred for this Administration has been the terror attacks of the September 11th 2001...
"Last Thursday on Countdown, I referred to the latest terror threat -- the reported bomb plot against the New York City subway system -- in terms of its timing. President Bush’s speech about the war on terror had come earlier the same day, as had the breaking news of the possible indictment of Karl Rove in the CIA leak investigation.
I suggested that in the last three years there had been about 13 similar coincidences -- a political downturn for the administration, followed by a “terror event” -- a change in alert status, an arrest, a warning.
We figured we’d better put that list of coincidences on the public record."
The polls and the terror alerts: A series of odd coincidences
"Last Thursday on Countdown, I referred to the latest terror threat -- the reported bomb plot against the New York City subway system -- in terms of its timing. President Bush’s speech about the war on terror had come earlier the same day, as had the breaking news of the possible indictment of Karl Rove in the CIA leak investigation.
I suggested that in the last three years there had been about 13 similar coincidences -- a political downturn for the administration, followed by a “terror event” -- a change in alert status, an arrest, a warning.
We figured we’d better put that list of coincidences on the public record."
The polls and the terror alerts: A series of odd coincidences
Shattered Expectations...
Ok, so you think after all this media attention to the Middle East and all the talk about the turmoil there and all the warnings about their nuclear plans and all the menace about them attacking or us attacking or someone attacking something... You would think that at least the general public whould know where the whole damn thing is located on a map. You think the general public would know... until you see this.
And then, after you saw it, you think, no wonder people like the Bushola get elected.
Fuck...fuck... fuckidi fuck.
And then, after you saw it, you think, no wonder people like the Bushola get elected.
Fuck...fuck... fuckidi fuck.
Concealing Criminal Activity
"There's also the overlooked matter that their so-called confidential sources insisted on anonymity because they were concealing a criminal act. There's a big difference there and the New York Times knows it. Arthur Sulzberger Jr., The Times' publisher wrote in an editorial:
'If Ms. Miller testifies, it may be immeasurably harder in the future to persuade a frightened government employee to talk about malfeasance in high places.'
... what he really meant to say was:
'If Ms. Miller testifies, it may be immeasurably harder in the future to help criminals conceal their identity and the crimes they may have committed.'
Yes I know nobody has been indicted yet, but you have to admit, Lewis Libby and Karl Rove had little to do with 'frightened government employees talking about malfeasance in high places' and everything to do with illegally leaking an undercover agent's name and attempts to cover up the act. Let's remember that every time the New York Times and Judith Miller claim to be standing on 'higher principles.'"
We Needle. You Decide.
'If Ms. Miller testifies, it may be immeasurably harder in the future to persuade a frightened government employee to talk about malfeasance in high places.'
... what he really meant to say was:
'If Ms. Miller testifies, it may be immeasurably harder in the future to help criminals conceal their identity and the crimes they may have committed.'
Yes I know nobody has been indicted yet, but you have to admit, Lewis Libby and Karl Rove had little to do with 'frightened government employees talking about malfeasance in high places' and everything to do with illegally leaking an undercover agent's name and attempts to cover up the act. Let's remember that every time the New York Times and Judith Miller claim to be standing on 'higher principles.'"
We Needle. You Decide.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Weird Numbers
Now this is weird. the question is pretty straight forward: if the Mr. Bush lied, would you support him being impeached. What I find interesting is those who somewhat or strongly disagree to impeach a liar... I wonder whether they supported the Clinton's impeachment theatricals... This is just weird.
Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement: 'If President Bush did not tell the truth about his reasons for going to war with Iraq, Congress should consider holding him accountable by impeaching him.'
Strongly agree---------------------39%
Somewhat agree------------------11%
Somewhat disagree---------------14%
Strongly disagree------------------30%
Don’t know-------------------------6%
Source: Ipsos-Public Affairs /
Methodology: Telephone interviews to 1,001 American adults, conducted from Oct. 6 to Oct. 9, 2005. Margin of error is 3.1 per cent."
Polling Data
Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement: 'If President Bush did not tell the truth about his reasons for going to war with Iraq, Congress should consider holding him accountable by impeaching him.'
Strongly agree---------------------39%
Somewhat agree------------------11%
Somewhat disagree---------------14%
Strongly disagree------------------30%
Don’t know-------------------------6%
Source: Ipsos-Public Affairs /
Methodology: Telephone interviews to 1,001 American adults, conducted from Oct. 6 to Oct. 9, 2005. Margin of error is 3.1 per cent."
Polling Data
New Numbers
Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the situation with Iraq?
---------------Oct. 2005-----------Sept. 2005
In order to pay for hurricane recovery and rebuilding in the Gulf Coast, would it be acceptable or unacceptable to you to cut spending on the war in Iraq?
Source: CBS News
Methodology: Telephone interviews to 808 American adults, conducted from Oct. 3 to Oct. 5, 2005. Margin of error is 4 per cent."
---------------Oct. 2005-----------Sept. 2005
In order to pay for hurricane recovery and rebuilding in the Gulf Coast, would it be acceptable or unacceptable to you to cut spending on the war in Iraq?
Source: CBS News
Methodology: Telephone interviews to 808 American adults, conducted from Oct. 3 to Oct. 5, 2005. Margin of error is 4 per cent."
Thursday, October 13, 2005
10 Pledges to Demand from All Candidates
"A Progressive Contract With America
If elected to office I promise to fully, enthusiastically and aggressively work to pass legislation that achieves the following goals:
We Will Bring the Troops Home.
We Will Crack Down on Corruption.
We Will Make Public Officials Accountable.
We Will Unleash New Energy for America.
We Will Rebuild America First.
We Will Make Work Pay Once Again.
We Will Make Healthcare Affordable.
We Will Protect Retirement Security.
We Will Keep the American Dream Alive.
We Will Provide Real Security for America.
AlterNet: 10 Pledges to Demand from Democrats
If elected to office I promise to fully, enthusiastically and aggressively work to pass legislation that achieves the following goals:
We Will Bring the Troops Home.
We Will Crack Down on Corruption.
We Will Make Public Officials Accountable.
We Will Unleash New Energy for America.
We Will Rebuild America First.
We Will Make Work Pay Once Again.
We Will Make Healthcare Affordable.
We Will Protect Retirement Security.
We Will Keep the American Dream Alive.
We Will Provide Real Security for America.
AlterNet: 10 Pledges to Demand from Democrats
The Fluff President
"'Thank you very much for everything,' he gushed. 'I like you.'" said an Iraqi who was attending the staged teleconference the Bushola had with the troops there in Iraq. Evidently the entire thing was rehearsed and questions were screened to match what the propaganda du jour was going to be...
Will these people do anything of substance?
Bush Teleconference With Soldiers Staged
Will these people do anything of substance?
Bush Teleconference With Soldiers Staged
"Corrupted by wealth and power, your government is like a restaurant with only one dish. They've got a set of Republican waiters on one side and a set of Democratic waiters on the other side. But no matter which set of waiters brings you the dish, the legislative grub is all prepared in the same Wall Street kitchen."
-- Huey Long
-- Huey Long
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
"Man has no right to kill his brother. It is no excuse that he does so in uniform: he only adds the infamy of servitude to the crime of murder."
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Wrong Amendment
From the get-go, I suggested that Miller should have advocated the 5th Amendment to the US Constitution and not the 1st since it appears that in the end she may have to do just that...
"Having caught Miller committing perjury, Fitzgerald is now in a position to, in effect, renege on his agreement to ask her only about her conversations with Libby. Under the terms of that agreement, Fitzgerald can't compel her to testify about conversations with other people, but she can of course do so voluntarily. And Fitzgerald can tell her lawyer that if she fails to volunteer, she may be looking at substantially more than 85 days behind bars on charges of perjury, conspiracy to obstruct justice, being an accessory to Libby's violations of the Espionage Act, or being a co-conspirator with him and others in those violations. (This is perfectly acceptable prosecutorial conduct, not even close to any ethical line.)
Instead of a mere percipient witness, Miller is now a potential defendant, and Fitzgerald can try to 'flip' her against all of her sources, not just Libby."
The Village Voice: The Bush Beat
"Having caught Miller committing perjury, Fitzgerald is now in a position to, in effect, renege on his agreement to ask her only about her conversations with Libby. Under the terms of that agreement, Fitzgerald can't compel her to testify about conversations with other people, but she can of course do so voluntarily. And Fitzgerald can tell her lawyer that if she fails to volunteer, she may be looking at substantially more than 85 days behind bars on charges of perjury, conspiracy to obstruct justice, being an accessory to Libby's violations of the Espionage Act, or being a co-conspirator with him and others in those violations. (This is perfectly acceptable prosecutorial conduct, not even close to any ethical line.)
Instead of a mere percipient witness, Miller is now a potential defendant, and Fitzgerald can try to 'flip' her against all of her sources, not just Libby."
The Village Voice: The Bush Beat
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Men at Work
What a 67 year ol'drunk man could have possibly be doing to warrant such a treatment from the "police"... Unless he was wielding an UZI ready to spray a crowd with bullets, I do not see any reason whatsoever for this. None.

Now aside from these monkeys posing as coppers the part of the story that has gone without notice appear at the end of the CNN story which reads: "On Friday, state authorities said they were investigating allegations that New Orleans police broke into a dealership and made off with nearly 200 cars -- including 41 new Cadillacs -- as the storm closed in."
Police charged with battery in New Orleans
Now are these police officers or an army of gangsters wearing uniforms?

Now aside from these monkeys posing as coppers the part of the story that has gone without notice appear at the end of the CNN story which reads: "On Friday, state authorities said they were investigating allegations that New Orleans police broke into a dealership and made off with nearly 200 cars -- including 41 new Cadillacs -- as the storm closed in."
Police charged with battery in New Orleans
Now are these police officers or an army of gangsters wearing uniforms?
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Crooks and Liars
The Daily Show does a hilarious take on Judith Place and her lies and deceptions... Send her ass back in jail!
"As Jon highlights, why where you in jail at all after you had a waiver a long time ago? Throw in a poem, some sappy letter writing by Scooter and President Bush stonewalling and you have another winning segment from TDS"
Crooks and Liars
"As Jon highlights, why where you in jail at all after you had a waiver a long time ago? Throw in a poem, some sappy letter writing by Scooter and President Bush stonewalling and you have another winning segment from TDS"
Crooks and Liars
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005
"As for the rest of your speech, it is all made up as you go along, just like your whole administration. You are a fanatic about a few things like Iraq and 'weapons of mass destruction' and Syria and Iran, but you don't actually seem to do much governing. When Katrina hit you were asleep at the switch. Your main accomplishment is to throw so much dust in the eyes of Americans that they let you push a million people into poverty last year, while reducing the taxes on the super rich by some enormous factor. Syria is a small weak country and I can't see that it has any power to do anything to the United States at all. The National Intelligence Estimate is that Iran is at least 10 years from having a nuclear weapon, assuming it is working on one, which is not proved (and you lied to us about Iraq being at work on one, so why should we pay any attention to you on this issue?)
Mr. Bush, I don't recognize the world you paint."
Informed Comment
Mr. Bush, I don't recognize the world you paint."
Informed Comment
Thursday, October 06, 2005
When All Else Fails
Terror and the terrorists are the best thing that can happen for the Bushies and their poll numbers. Funny how each time their poll numbers are low we have some sort of Homeland Security warning... albeit non-credible one!!! Reminds me of the time before the elections when the Homeland Security was giving out warnings based on nothing more than just warnings for the sake of warnings... Anyone who still buys this crap probably deserves this Administration.
"Some officials in Washington, in interviews last night, played down the nature of the threat. While not entirely dismissing it, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security described it as 'specific yet noncredible,' adding that the intelligence community had concluded that the information was of 'doubtful credibility.'"
New York Named in Terror Threat Against Subways
...And funny how the "Liberal Media" carries this crap on front pages...
"Some officials in Washington, in interviews last night, played down the nature of the threat. While not entirely dismissing it, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security described it as 'specific yet noncredible,' adding that the intelligence community had concluded that the information was of 'doubtful credibility.'"
New York Named in Terror Threat Against Subways
...And funny how the "Liberal Media" carries this crap on front pages...
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
“Victory means exit strategy, and it’s important for the president to explain to us what the exit strategy is . . . "
--George Bush criticizing President Clinton regarding Kosovo
April 9, 1999
--George Bush criticizing President Clinton regarding Kosovo
April 9, 1999
"The two-thirds majority needed in three provinces to defeat the constitution will now be counted from all registered - as opposed to actual - voters"
That just does not make sense. If you take away the consensus, and impose your will on the minority (not any minority mind you... a well armed minority) you can most certainly expect a civil implosion. How will this intentional exclusion calm the insurgents who are mainly Sunnis? Of course it won't... but then perhaps this is a good excuse for the permanent foreign military presence in Iraq... Intelligent Design at work...
UN condemns Iraq charter change
That just does not make sense. If you take away the consensus, and impose your will on the minority (not any minority mind you... a well armed minority) you can most certainly expect a civil implosion. How will this intentional exclusion calm the insurgents who are mainly Sunnis? Of course it won't... but then perhaps this is a good excuse for the permanent foreign military presence in Iraq... Intelligent Design at work...
UN condemns Iraq charter change
Monday, October 03, 2005
Found On The Net
>And evolution was BS until it was 'proven'.
Yep. It required FACTS - lots and lots of FACTS
gleaned from MANY interlocking disciplines. It
got those facts, a hundred times over.
The Darwin/Wallace hypothesis was short on, although
not totally lacking, facts when it was first proposed.
As such it was a weak theory that really didn't stand
out above any of the various theistic/secular creation
and development ideas of the day. However, no supportable
facts could be found favoring those other theories whereas
a great bounty of facts steadily accrued supporting the
natural selection theory - from paleontology, from geology,
from chemistry, biology, physics, molecular biology and
If you're putting together a jigsaw puzzle of Elvis and
there's a missing piece or two - a bit of an ear, part
of a sequin jumpsuit - you can STILL tell the final
picture is gonna be Elvis. The missing bits are NOT
going to turn it into a picture of Martha Stewart.
Likewise, not EVERY piece of the evolutionary puzzle
has yet been found, but the big picture is already
plain and unmistakable - has been for a LONG time now.
BTW ... [Intelligent Design] is inherently self-contradictory. It asserts
that complex entities cannot self-develop without 'help'
from a 'designer'. This means the designer has to have
had a designer - that gods have to be made by greater
gods - so on and so forth to infinity. No escape, no
endpoint, ever. Ridiculous. Say that even ONE entity
anywhere along the chain may have managed to self-evolve
and you've left the door open for any and ALL entities
being able to self-evolve.
If you're looking for [Intelligent Design] ... Look for meddling by
little grey alien dudes or something. You MIGHT be
able to find a fact or two supporting that and
manage to avoid the fatal infinite-regression logic
error too. Earthly life may have been engineered
at any point in its development by external agents,
but at least ONE had to have evolved on its own.
Yep. It required FACTS - lots and lots of FACTS
gleaned from MANY interlocking disciplines. It
got those facts, a hundred times over.
The Darwin/Wallace hypothesis was short on, although
not totally lacking, facts when it was first proposed.
As such it was a weak theory that really didn't stand
out above any of the various theistic/secular creation
and development ideas of the day. However, no supportable
facts could be found favoring those other theories whereas
a great bounty of facts steadily accrued supporting the
natural selection theory - from paleontology, from geology,
from chemistry, biology, physics, molecular biology and
If you're putting together a jigsaw puzzle of Elvis and
there's a missing piece or two - a bit of an ear, part
of a sequin jumpsuit - you can STILL tell the final
picture is gonna be Elvis. The missing bits are NOT
going to turn it into a picture of Martha Stewart.
Likewise, not EVERY piece of the evolutionary puzzle
has yet been found, but the big picture is already
plain and unmistakable - has been for a LONG time now.
BTW ... [Intelligent Design] is inherently self-contradictory. It asserts
that complex entities cannot self-develop without 'help'
from a 'designer'. This means the designer has to have
had a designer - that gods have to be made by greater
gods - so on and so forth to infinity. No escape, no
endpoint, ever. Ridiculous. Say that even ONE entity
anywhere along the chain may have managed to self-evolve
and you've left the door open for any and ALL entities
being able to self-evolve.
If you're looking for [Intelligent Design] ... Look for meddling by
little grey alien dudes or something. You MIGHT be
able to find a fact or two supporting that and
manage to avoid the fatal infinite-regression logic
error too. Earthly life may have been engineered
at any point in its development by external agents,
but at least ONE had to have evolved on its own.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
A Reminder
"Oct 02, 1836, Charles Darwin returned to England after 5 years of acquiring knowledge around the world about fauna, flora, wildlife and geology. He used the information to develop his 'theory of evolution' which he unveiled in his 1859 book entitled 'The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.'"